
Hi, I’m Anthony

Anthony Gonzalez

Welcome to Bosque Designs (Bosque pronounced “bohs-kay”).

I’m relatively new to the area. Originally from the picturesque desert high country of New Mexico, where the forest that lined the Rio Grande was known as the bosque. I have now moved to the beautiful green hills, tall trees and fantastic community that we have found in the Ozarks of Northwest Arkansas

I’m a web designer and content manager with over a decade of experience. I love setting up websites that give small businesses a chance to have a clean, professional presence on the web. Whether you want to update your homepage, products, and blog on a regular basis or you want a more hands-off informational website, I can help you.

Do you have a website that isn’t currently showcasing your business as it truly could? If you need to make some updates to your site or need a full-on redesign, I’m here to help you.

When your website does well, that means that I do well. More than anything else, word-of-mouth advertising is essential for me to get more business. So, I want you to tell everyone about me.

Whatever it may be, I’m here to help.

Contact Me